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Blog posts : "Family Medicine Residency"

Residency Family Practice, Osteopathic, India

Did you hear about that massive earthquake in India? Asked one of my classmates, who knew that I was from India. My jaw dropped, and a hundred thoughts went through my head. There I was during my first year of medical school, sitting anxiously about to take my first written anatomy exam, when one of…

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Residency Family Practice Medicine, Spanish

Since the age of 6 years old, I found myself frequently in the emergency room due to severe asthma. It was frightening as a child, but I clearly recall the warm and friendly doctors who comforted me. Since I grew up on Welfare and Medi-Cal, it meant sometimes having to wait long hours before getting…

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Residency Family Medicine, Children's Hospital

My life experiences have prepared me for a career in family medicine. I find such a field to require genuine interest, dedication, and the ability to communicate and relate to patients of all age groups. Upon entering medical school, interested in skin conditions, I assumed that dermatology was the…

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Residency Family Medicine, Community Service

In my journey through medical school, I have realized that pursuing a career in family medicine will allow me to address several of my special interests while also allowing me to serve my community effectively. I came to medical school after having taught eighth grade, and I knew that I wanted to b…

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Residency Family Practice Medicine Underserved

I am committed to becoming a family practice physician in a medically underserved community. I believe that health is a holistic balance of the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual, and that each individual functions within a family, a community, and a society. In providing medical care…

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Residency Family Medicine, Patient Diversity


It was pretty late in my academic career when I decided that I would like to become a physician; in fact, I wasn't one hundred percent certain until after I completed my undergraduate degree.

In grade nine, I was introduced to genetics, and my scientific career was born. I was so fascinated tha…

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Residency Family Medicine, Cambodia

It would be impossible to discuss where I am going in my career without first giving credence to where I have been, and the path that ultimately led to Family Medicine. I was born in Laos, have seen a country overrun by war, and know what it means to leave everything you have ever known behind, onl…

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Residency Family Medicine Practice, Canada

As I write this, I think about the thousands of miles I have traveled in pursuit of the finest medical education, and exposure. And yet, my path to Family Medicine began right here in Canada. I was 12 when the accident happened. My friends and I were playing hide-and-seek at a friend's farm. I reme…

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Residency Family Medicine, Primary Care

Many of my life circumstances have motivated me to pursue the advantageous field of Family Practice in medicine. Of central importance was growing up in an impoverished Indian household, and the lengthy obstacle course which I was forced to successfully complete, to break the shackles of poverty an…

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Residency Family Medicine, Debilitative Disease

I am a young man from India who has devoted his life to the study of medicine. At 29, I still have much to learn, but I am most highly motivated, and I have always given 100% to my calling. I am most distinguished, perhaps, by my compassion, which has led me to develop a particular interest in geri…

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Residency Family Medicine Practice, Pakistan

Originally from Karachi, Pakistan, at 26, I am still a young woman. Yet, I am also an earnest, mature, and cosmopolitan a citizen of the world. Most of all, I have a well-developed sense of compassion and a deep and abiding respect and concern for the family and the practice of medicine. Compassion…

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Residency Holistic Family Medicine

Fresh out of my first year of internship, I had felt the need to sharpen my clinical skills, and, while deciding which specialty I wanted to devote a large part of my life to, I decided to do the right thing and accepted an eleven-month rotation of community service at Hospital Immaculee Conception…

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Residency Family Medicine, Inner City, Volunteer

I have dedicated my life to the cause of helping people through the practice of medicine. During my ER rotation, a two-year-old boy was brought in after suffering a laceration to his hand. I calmed him by distracting him with my stethoscope and was able to suture while minimizing the child’s anxiety…

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Family Medicine Residency, Military

To me, the most critical aspect of my future career as a physician is maintaining a sufficiently holistic view of medicine while avoiding too much compartmentalization. I see myself as a doctor who will be able to succeed by excelling at all aspects of patient care, whether it is the diagnosis, tre…

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14 blog posts