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Fellowship Hematology/Oncology Personal Statement Sample, Indian Doctor

A doctor from India specializing up to this point in my career in Internal Medicine, increasingly, I have gravitated towards the idea of joining the battle against cancer for the balance of my professional life and giving it my all. India has some of the highest cancer rates in the world and when combined with its enormous population – projected to overtake China as the world’s most populous nation by mid-century – the challenge represented by India alone is enormous. But, most of all, it is here in America where I have found my calling to join the battle against cancer. I currently serve as an academic hospitalist with a central focus on the care of patients with cancer. In particular, I have learned a great deal about Bone Marrow Transplantation, since this area is also central to my professional responsibilities at the University of XXXX College of Medicine. Thus, I ask to be accepted to your distinguished fellowship program in Hematology/Oncology.

My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer during my first year of my medical school; I was still 17 years old.  All of us were in shock and having just begun my studies, at first, I stood frozen as a mere spectator, taking her hand through the grueling sessions of chemotherapy and surgery. During this time, by her side reading, when I finished my work for medical school, I did overtime with cancer and kept reading and reading about the disease process, malignancy and the various treatment options. We were not aware at the time but I would learn later how late we finally got her to treatment, already with cancer in its advanced stage. Our battle lasted for 2 years. At 19, I was well on my way to becoming a doctor driven to fight cancer. If selected to your program it will be because of her, since she is a very big part of why I have decided to dedicate my life primarily to studying this disease, in her honor and memory.

During my residency training in Internal Medicine at XXXX Hospital Center (July 2013 – June 2016), I so very much enjoyed the intense exposure to a great variety of ethnic groups, patients and their families from so many different cultural backgrounds. I have come to much better understand the patients’ struggle, more compassionate, I gave my all to the doctor/patient relationship, especially in the case of patients stricken with cancer. I have become extremely highly motivated and I am off to a very good start learning how to treat cancer. I am in love with our rapidly developing field, Hematology/Oncology, the great challenge and vast scope of research and scientific advancement.  Since June of 2016, serving as a hospitalist on a bone marrow transplant unit, I have continued to enjoy clinical experience dealing with hematological malignancies and beginning to better develop my focus on the kinds of research projects that I look forward to becoming engaged. As my clinical exposure increases, I can increasingly better appreciate the level of complexity that oncologists deal with on a daily basis. I hope to be selected to a program which focuses on patient care, education and research for a balanced fellowship experience. I hope to see myself serving as part of a team in an academic hospital.

I thank you for considering my application to your distinguished fellowship program in Hematology/Oncology.

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Challenges and rewards of pursuing a career in hematology..

This writer sees cancer prevention as the most effective of all anti- cancer strategies, especially those strategies which target cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Phyto-prevention—the use of natural derived compounds often called phytochemicals, along with a multi-faceted molecular targeting approach—in particular, shows great promise. It is important to note, however, that drawing clear lines between natural medicines and remedies, on the one hand, and ‘drugs’ or pharmaceutical products, on the other, can often be wrought with confusion, since many drugs are derived from the natural components of plants. Nevertheless, most natural components of plants are seen as less aggressive forms of therapeutic intervention than chemicals.

The principle phytochemicals that have been identified as most useful for cancer prevention strategies are organosulfurs, phenols, glucosinolates, saponin. Closely related to phytochemical strategies are those strategies that include the use of micronutrients such as NSAIDs and Vitamings A, C, D, E, folate, calcium and selenium are considered—all of which are often referred to as “chemopreventive.” Perhaps the greatest level of success at fighting cancer through nutrition is found in the battle against colon-rectal cancer (CRC), as we now know that almost 50% of CRCs can be prevented by proper nutrition.

UK PGY2 Residency – Hematology:Oncology.

The Humanitarian Side of Oncology

The humanitarian side of oncology work really depends on you. In fact, the world depends on you, as a doctor. But the relationship doesn’t need to be one sided. Many oncologists get a huge amount of satisfaction and inspiration from going overseas on missions or helping out locally on a regular basis.

Humanitarian work can be made part of your oncology residency program, your work or it can be something you do while on vacation. The choice is yours, and the opportunities are plentiful. In fact, it’s certainly wise to think about the sort of work you would like to do and where. Many oncologists choose to work towards making other oncologists in developing countries more independent through their work. Some choose to make a short-term commitment in different areas of the world before deciding where they would like to focus their time and skills.

Let´s take a look at some of the opportunities available for oncologists across the globe.

Preventative Oncology International

This organization is dedicated to blending humanitarian care with scientific discovery. They provide cervical cancer screening to women across the world and conduct medical research on early detection and prevention. They have done a lot of work in China. If you´d like to get involved as an investigator, you can join their research group. Find out more about it here.

Hadassah International is also starting a clinical trial on liposarcoma patients. See here for more details.

Health Volunteers Overseas

Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) have just launched a new gynecologic oncology project in Nepal (at the time of writing, June, 2016). HVO is a nonprofit that seeks to improve global health through education, and you can get involved by becoming a volunteer on a short-term project. Here´s more about that.

Project HOPE

Project HOPE delivers essential medicines and supplies, volunteers and medical training to people around the world. One oncologist, Lynn Bemiller, MD, was recognized as the second runner-up of Project HOPE´s Volunteer of the Year award. She was HOPE Medical Director for the entire Pacific Partnership mission in 2012, and specializes in hematology and oncology in Chula Vista, CA, USA when she´s not somewhere else in the world doing humanitarian work. In 2013 she was in Samoa and Tonga, on Pacific Partnership 2013, where Project HOPE Medical Volunteers partnered up with the U.S. Navy in the Oceania Region of the South Pacific. Fancy going along on their next mission? Find out about them here.  


Slovakian oncologist Julka Horakova, PhD., took three weeks off to spend more time with MAGNA in Cambodia. MAGNA is a humanitarian organization that aims to provide medical, nutritional and social aid to children and their families after disasters and crises. She then went back and encouraged many other doctors and nurses to actively help in Cambodia, and Africa.

Julka is Chief Physician of the bone marrow transplant unit at a children´s hospital in Bratislava. She is an active medical counselor for MAGNA projects, and was awarded a Cross of Pribina by the Slovakian President in January, 2016. Here´s more about her story.

Dr. Sofia Rivera is an MD, MSc, and head of the radiation unit at Gustave Roussy, a cancer center. She´s also currently finishing her PhD in radiobiology. Check out her story here.

Fellowship in Hematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant.