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Sample 1st 2 Paragraphs, Orthopedic Surgery Fellowship, Indian

When leaving school, I was drawn to both medicine and engineering. It was a difficult decision but I decided to pursue medicine, with much parental encouragement. However, when I discovered orthopedics, I realised that I could apply my fascination with engineering to the repair and rehabilitation of the human body and I enthusiastically embraced the specialty. I have never regretted my decision and have found enormous satisfaction in its pursuit.

Having qualified in India, I pursued a diploma and then earned a Master’s degree in Orthopedics and Trauma at the prestigious University of Dundee in the UK. I have been employed in the specialty since 1996 and currently work as a Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon in India. My family live in the US and I wish to join them and so am submitting this application for a fellowship. I am temporarily resident in Houston shadowing local specialists and preparing for the Step 3 examination.

Why I chose to apply to Orthopedic Surgery

Professional Statement Writing and Editing Service for Medical Residency and Fellowship

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Statements for Residency & Fellowship Positions on Behalf of Applicants in Orthopedic Surgery

I have invested well over a decade in researching what makes the personal statement for medical residency or fellowship as effective as possible - especially in the area of Orthopedic

Orthopaedic Spine Fellowship Program

A Day in the Life: Orthopedics at the Department at Boston Children's Hospital?

The Humanitarian Side of Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgeons can do a lot of good. If you are an orthopedic surgeon, or you aim to be one in a few years, and you´re interested in humanitarian work, we salute you. So much, in fact, that we will do anything we can to help you out. Let´s start by looking at some of the ways you can get involved.

Get Trained and Prepared

One of the principal ways you can do the most good overseas, or in developing countries, is by preparing yourself first. The Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education holds a course on International Humanitarian Aid Skills. Take a look at the course details here.

David Doman, MD, James Blair, MD, Matthew Napierala, MD and Mickey Cho, MD highlight the need for orthopedic care in developing countries. But do planning and execution agree, in an orthopedic humanitarian medical mission? Find out in this article how important contingency plans are, and how surgical teams need to be very flexible if everything is to go to plan.

Here are some of the surgical skills needed for humanitarian missions in resource-limited settings. Procedures you might have to perform overseas include fracture reduction, external fixation, limb amputation, internal fixation, and other corrective procedures. Also, internal fixation removal, curettage for osteomyelitis, joint procedures, bone grafts and nerve repairs.


Esperança is a nonprofit focusing on improving health and providing hope for families in the poorest communities of the world through sustainable disease prevention, education and treatment. Their volunteer surgical program has been sending surgery teams to developing countries since 1974, and orthopedic surgeons are needed to work as lead surgeons and travel with a team to Nicaragua. Here´s more information on what´s involved.

Get Inspired

Becker´s Spine Review look at look at 26 Spine Surgeons involved in humanitarian missions in 2013. Stanley D. Gertzbein , MD  is one of them. He´s a spine surgeon who works at Aspen Orthopedic Associates, Aspen, Colorado. He has a special interest in complex spinal trauma. His doctor has travelled to various developing countries, including Croatia, where he served in 1994 in the war-torn regions of the country. Here´s more about his story and the humanitarian work orthopedic surgeons are doing around the world. Wherever you can find inspiration and support, use it to motivate you and find out about opportunities that might interest you.                                                     

Combat Zones

Let´s face it, you don´t have to have joined the military to have a successful humanitarian mission, but it´s certainly possible to learn from their experiences. A survey of U.S. military active-duty orthopedic surgeons and members of the Society of Military Orthopedic Surgeons revealed that 79% of respondents believes that humanitarian surgery was a key component of the mission. Seventy-three percent believed that humanitarian surgery improved skills, 76% believed that it benefited the population and 61% believed it improved security. Here´s more information on the full study.